Sunday, May 10, 2015

What is an ending, but a chance to begin anew elsewhere?

I'm sure that title could be more eloquent, but I think you all understand lo que quiero decir, ¿no?

Lo que más me gustó de esta clase era la oportunidad aprender esas rolitas que cada mexicano se sabe desde la infancia, y yo, por ser nuevecita al rollo mexicano, aún no sabía.

It has been fascinating, putting one of these songs on the jukebox, and stepping back to observe the patrons in the bar in which I work, seeing how many of them sort of mouth the words while they do other things, play pool for example.  There are the occasions that someone belts out a line or a phrase, or occasionally (bien borrachos de seguro) they scream out the whole thing.  But that didn’t impress me so much as those that kind of mouthed the words unconsciously.  The impact that these songs have had, can have, will have, continue having! 

It reminds me of when we first sang Farolito, and Fer took over the singing because she said that she’d grow up with the song.  That’s how it appears to be, with all these songs, with all these people.  Maybe I should do a field study.

Lo de Paz, pues, I had already bought the book with the intention of reading it, ever since Los hijos de la Malinche me traumatizó last semester.  We didn’t talk too much about him, but I think that’s because 1) some of those chapters get very dry and, por el damn poeta que era, very abstract; and 2)  we all had some very differing opinions as to his credibility.  Which is understandable.  Pero esta clase no era tanto para debating sino discussing.  Ya que.

And, as I'm sure all have or will mention, you all are amazing and I'm glad I met you all.  Tchau!